Meditation For Every Body





Did you know that most of us have, on average, sixty thousand thoughts every day?


With this in mind, Michael's gentle and sensitive approach encourages subtle exploration of breath and body awareness: the inner calm and dynamic stillness that exists deep within... Minding The Gap between thoughts...

The sessions involve a variety of autogenic relaxation exercises, with a strong emphasis on mindful breathing, simple grounding, and easy release of tension... Classes can involve standing, sitting, and lying down...


Be More You

The nature of Michael's extensive experience of Yoga and Meditation guarantees to enhance your awareness of choice: to enjoy more of your day, and to "Be more You"

The atmosphere in the room resonates with the exquisite music of the breath... the therapeutic ambience will hold you and nurture you, carrying you to far away places... deep inside your self

For fees and other details, please see "Classes" page